The Operational Program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” (EPANEK) is one of the seven sectoral and thirteen Regional Operational Programs of the ESPA Programs for the period 2014-2020 which was approved by C (2014) 10162 final of 12/18/2014 Decision of the EU.
It gives prominence to productive, competitive and extroverted sectors of the economy such as tourism, energy, agri-food, environment, supply chain, information & communication technologies, health and pharmaceutical, creative and cultural industries and materials – constructions.
Through EPANEK and in collaboration with the Regional Operational Programs, the Smart Specialization strategy is implemented with the aim of connecting research and innovation with entrepreneurship and strengthening / development of the already existing or new competitive advantages of the Country and the Regions.
EPANEK is structured in the following main ‘Priority Axes:
The 7Tips company manages more than 500 investment projects within the framework of EPANEK and specifically in the actions:
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